Magic Route Viajes
Magic Route Viajes
Cantabria, Spain

Cantabria, Spain

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Cantabria Spain

Cantabria is a mountainous and coastal region of character and an important natural heritage . Its strong relief makes 40% of its surface is above 700 m above sea level and a third of the region has slopes greater than 30% incline. Cantabria is also notable for the important artistic and architectural examples belonging to different historical periods. On the one hand emphasize the megalithic remains like those of Pico Las Nieves ; the Roman settlements in the county of Reinosa , with the ruins of Julióbriga , Camesa-Rebolledo and Romanesque art temple Santa Maria de Lebeña as well as valuable examples of cave churches in Campóo and Valderredible . Many are also preserved Romanesque churches , such as the Collegiate of Santillana del Mar , the Collegiate Church of Santa Cruz de Castañeda , the Collegiate Church of San Pedro de Cervatos and the Collegiate Church of San Martin de Elines , along with a significant concentration of this style in Valderredible and to a lesser extent, in the basin of Besaya and Liébana . The Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Castro Urdiales is the most prominent Gothic work of Cantabria .Numerosos Palaces and mansions belonging to the period between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, ranging from the Renaissance to the Baroque. Some outstanding historical sites are those of Liérganes , Alceda , Cartes , Potes and especially Santillana del Mar , as well as isolated palacios like Los Acebedo in Hoznayo , that of Elsedo in Pámanes and the Soñanesin Villacarriedo . As for the architecture of the nineteenth century the Palace of Sobrellano , the Pontifical University , the Capricho de Gaudí and the Cemetery and Angel of Llimona , in Comillas , as a sign of neo - Gothic and Catalan modernism. Reflection Art twentieth century , highlights the Royal Palace of La Magdalena in Santander , the Casino de El Sardinero and other works related to the summer resort of Santander . The contemporary architecture is the greatest exponent the Palais des Festivals of Cantabria and the Palacio de Deportes , both in the city of Santander . The Cantabrian Sea with its fine fish and delicate seafood . Rapids and rivers in their upper and middle reaches shelter the king of river fishing, salmon , and delicate plywood trout . Cntabros grasses, evergreen, fed to cattle exquisite taste and small sheep and goat herds . Small family orchards and plantations of fruit offer a wide range of products, cooked the traditional way of Cantabria, obtained as a result one of the richest cuisines and more personality in the country .
Recommended airport
Santander (SDR)
Nearby destinations
  • Los Corrales de Buelna a 22.90 km
  • Comillas a 44.64 km
  • Laredo a 37.18 km